
The Institute of Ministry has 3 academic programs. They are:

  • the Basic Diploma program,
  • the Field Guidance program, and
  • the Advanced Studies program.

Each program is detailed below.

BASIC DIPLOMA PROGRAM. The following courses are required for the completion of the AIM Course of Study, resulting in a diploma.

Old Testament I
This course will survey the Old Testament books of Genesis through Esther. The course is designed to open a window of appreciation for the ancient texts through investigation of the historical and cultural context of the ancient world, the history of Israel, and by acquiring tools for the interpretation of the principal literary genres.

Old Testament II
This course will survey the Prophetic and the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament as divine revelation. There will be a special focus on the character and role of prophets and the application of prophecy in their world and ours. The second part of the course will explore the wisdom tradition and the nature and interpretation of Hebrew poetry.

New Testament I
The purpose of this course is to introduce the study of the New Testament beginning with an investigation of the historical, cultural background, and then focusing on the Gospel writers and how they record for the church the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Special attention will be given to interpretation principles and an understanding of major theological themes conveyed in the Gospels.

New Testament II
The purpose of this class is to introduce the study of the New Testament Letters to the churches beginning with the background of the apostolic ministry in the book of Acts, exploring the Pauline corpus, the general epistles, and concluding with the message to the churches addressed in Revelation.

Church History
This class is an effort to trace our Christian roots from the earliest believers to the present day including the shaping of orthodoxy of the first five centuries, the church of the middle ages, the Reformation, and the various streams of church development in modern times.

Basic Christian Theology
The purpose of this course is to encourage students to think theologically and to articulate a personal theology of ministry by providing a firm thematic foundation of basic Christian doctrine. Special attention will be given to the development of a theological position paper for each student as required by the ABCOM Committee on the Ministry.

Preaching God’s Word is an exciting privilege for a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this class, we will explore both the theory and practice of preaching in the present day church context. Each class will have a lecture component as well as time for practical exercises and preaching.

Missions and Evangelism
This course will explore the theory and practice of the church’s mission in the world including both global outreach ministries and missional endeavors in our local church context. Topics of study will include missionary service, personal evangelism, mass evangelism, short term missions, church plants, and ministries of social concern.

Pastoral Ethics
This course will prepare students for making ethical biblical decisions in ministry through a study of the foundations of Christian ethics and the use of practical tools to meet the challenges of contemporary ethical issues, including the use and abuse of power, character development, and confidentiality. Special attention will be given to the Code of Ethics endorsed by ABCOM.

Baptist History and Polity
This course will survey the major characteristics and development of Baptist life and the distinctive of Baptists in the greater Christian family. Emphases will include the unity and diversity of Baptists, the dynamics and structure of the local church, associational commitment, and the regional and national expressions of American Baptist life.

Practice of Ministry
The purpose of this course will be to develop a practical theology and the pastoral skills necessary for ministering to a Christian faith community. Various aspects of pastoral practice will be explored including spirituality, discipleship, worship, special services, and pastoral care.

Christian Education
This course explores the challenge of spiritual growth through Christian Education in the context of the general theories of educational practice. Specific themes to be explored include the pastor’s role, learning styles, age appropriate material and curriculum, the recruitment and training of teachers, creativity, and the uses of technology.

Mentoring (2 Years) [Under construction]

FIELD GUIDANCE PROGRAM.  The Field Guidance Program is a pastoral internship that may be requested by a second or third year AIM student in addition to the basic diploma program for a more hands-on practical ministry experience in an actual church setting to enhance competency in pastoral leadership. The pastoral interns will be supervised by the local church pastor and relate to a local church committee under AIM guidelines and with the oversight of an AIM coordinator. The program may be one, two or three years in duration.  For more information on this program, please contact one of the Area Deans or the AIM Director.

ADVANCED STUDIES PROGRAM.  The Advanced Studies program was developed to provide eight more academically-challenging courses of continuing education for our AIM graduates to fulfill the requirements of our ABCOM recommissioning as well as to provide refreshment courses for our seminary trained pastors. The program includes courses in three areas of study: Bible, Ministry, and Theology, plus additional electives that may serve specific ministry needs. Upon completion of the Advanced Studies program a Diploma in Pastoral Theology will be awarded. Please check the current course listings. For more information on the Advanced studies please contact the Area Deans or the AIM Director.